Sunday, November 13, 2005


I feel a bit thick right now.............. but the eyes rock!!  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, November 10, 2005


My Halloween attempt :)

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[well yes 2004 attempt, but i recently found it and i think it should be shared to the world)


brain is yoghurt. strawberry flavour though. mmmm yummy.

I am back!

I am really sorry about the delay - its been a very tiring term. Given that its my last term, I have tried to make sure i live it to the fullest - and i have done that quite well i think! :)

So whats new? Well am currently reading the lonely hearts and the unemployment column, and also trying to figure out exactly what i want to do in life. its a darn sight more difficult than one might think when looking at jobs - what do i want to do????? Ah decisions decisions.

I have also started my radio show with Jenni Shaw - first live performance due on Monday 21st November CUR1350AM (or go to and find the player link)! Should be good, the radio experience has been brilliant. I was a bit scared as i thought it might be just a small box with a box or two, and you feel like you are talking to yourself. But its not! Its awesome,. with lods of black boxes bristling with technology and lots and lots of LED lights, and lots of buttons to press! WHeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Freshers this year are quite cool - i seem to have the distinction of being very well known in the year below (as was said in Spiderman - "he wants to be famous? I will make him infamous!!". *cough* not that bad though.

So about the summer experience. First the work : do i want to work for P&G? Well yes and no. Yes in the sense i lovewd being part of a multinational copmpany, and having discounts on Hugo Boss perfumes, and playing aorund on really big pieces of kit. But i disliked thier "personality profile" which all employees must fit (i didnt fit it, that was part of the reason i did not get a job). Also, i dont like the thought of working on the same thing for yonks on end - i would much prefer much smaller projects rather than something that would last for 2-3 years......Hence the applications to consultancies. They seem to be more my style. That said, i am applying to big petrochemical companies, as oil does seem quite exciting (lets be honest, it has the potential for a very BIG KABOOOOOM!!!!! - I think all chem engers are pyromaniacs at heart ;)) But seriosuly, i think oil will suit me a lot better than washing powder. for one thing, it sounds cooler!

Secondly, the travels. Managed to make my way around Belfast, Dublin and St Andrews, as well as popping over to see Oxford for a bit. I think it was a fantastic 2 weeks, and very much wish i had done it sooner - seeing different bits of the UK is way cool. Edinburgh is my fav place though - its just the kind of city i would not mind living in when i am 50 ;) sorry scottish people!

I also learnt how to make a fire (you know, the thing in a fireplace!) v complicated - not as strightforward as you might think!!!! :) thank you mrs sloss - i will put up a detailed guide v soon.

oh and my head is now made of yoghurt, so there are no thoguhts of the day to go on.

oh and you must must MUST visit:

go on, work out that rage!!! :)

and remember!! mon 21st nov, 2-3PM, CUR1350AM

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