Monday, September 12, 2005



hel;lo there, just a quick post from all the way north - i am in st andrews right now visiting a freind from school. i have finished work at P&G - did not get a job offer, which was quite gutting, but at the end of the day, c'est la vie. i also think it prob will be for the best as i wasnt too keen on working for them in the end anyway (whether this is a thought process designbed to make me feel better - well i dontk now, i am tyring to be as objectvie as i can). a post will (should) follow detailing some introspective on this entire summer.

as for now, tomorrow i travel to N Ireland, to see someone in maghera, and then to dublin, place of my birth. what are the odds someone from my pre-school in dublin will remember me? i will find out and let you know!

i find st andrews quite odd - there are more ppl from other nationalities than there are scots! all v amusing :-) its also smaller than cambridge - their pubs are as small as magd college bar! but its beautiful, and the weather has been awesome.

oh, and i harte trains in scotland. officially. they are always late! more so than down south :-)

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