Monday, August 29, 2005


Decisions decisions!

Or maybe this one! Its sooo hard to decide - I look so dashing in both, dont you think !??! Posted by Picasa


I need a new look. Thats what I need.

Hmm, this looks like a good fit...... Posted by Picasa


Its festival time!!

I have just got back from yet another weekend away - this time to see a mate in Edinburgh. Well, more like to see the Edinburgh Festival, and to get a roof over my head - every hostel in the city was booked out!!!

(but seeing my friend was just as important, honest - thanks Caroline!!)

But back to the festival - i saw some fantastic shows, both on stage and in the streets. The Threepenny Opera, featuring Magdalenes very own Henry Eliot, was a particular highlight. They do a return in Michelmas 2005 in the ADC - make sure you catch it!!!!

Other shows included an amazingly funny "basketball player" - a dude who juggled 4 basketballs, atop a 10ft unicycle, amongst other things. Not to mention a really amusing magician, and a horn player with an accordion sidekick. They have to be seen to be believed, Edinburgh is the place to be in the summer - the value of entertainment by just walking up and down the streets is immense.

I was also lauded by a comedian as the guy he wanted as an accomplice - cos I laughed at every joke, and was very enthusiastic. What can I say :-)

Its also wierd how easy it is to pick a person from cambridge. I was sitting with my mate at one of the shows, talking of some vague topic - when my neighbour just leaned in and stated that we were from Cambridge as well. Not even a quesiton - completely deadpan. And I can verify this "sense" - I have seen people on the street publicizing thier shows, and knowing they were Cantabridigian before asking to verify it (under the guise of being interested in thir show - no, i am not that odd!] Its freaky. Its like we have a flashing beacon saying we are from Cambridge!

And 10 days left till I leave newcastle! cant believe time has flown by so quickly - only seems like last week, i entered my flat and took stock. its been a quick summer. and yet very long. I am going to probably look back at this summer, and realize how a lot of things took focus in my mind. Decisions like my career, who I am, and what I want in life seem to have become more defined in my mind. And living on my own properly is something I cannot emphasize enough. Being at Cambridge is still like being in a security blanket - living in Newcaslte on my own is something of an achievement, and an important milestone I reckon.

Whoa, thats a bit deep. moving to more fun territory - anyone following the cricket?? Its been an awesome couple of testmatches - the reload key on my internet browser is probably oging to complain about abuse at this rate! Not to mention Man U won another matchi this premiership - so all good on the sports front!!

I also went a bit cultural [or in geordie speak - like man, you know, like, like cultural-like ;-) ] and went saw a production of the Wizard of Oz in Sunderland, 20mins south of Newcastle. I know of the story, but I have never seen it, and I had gone hoping to redress this lapse.

But how wrong it all went. I forgot the geordie influence. It....its indescribable. Some of the "interpretations" taken in this modern version of the Wizard is criminal, absolutely criminal. Like Dorothy now being a sexy waitress. And the scarecrow being a hippie. Or the tin man being gay. Or the lion being an ageing rocker with loads of hair.

Sounds inventive, i hear you say? Well that all came in the first half. I was just about ok, thought some ideas were innovative. So I took a deep breath and prepared for the second half.

And how wrong it went, The Wizard is now a cheap club illusionist, who convinces people that he is giving them the dream they have sought. ANd making money in the process. Complete with tacky lights, girls and the whole she-bang. My eyes were burning, i tell you. Especially at the bit when the lights came up, and the Wizard did a bit of standup with the audience, asking us what our dreams were, and offering a male a choice of any of his "dream" showgirls on stage. It was shocking. Words fail me. AAAH.

But go to edinburgh if you can. Even without the festival, its an amazing city. Breathtaking. I cannot emphasize this enough.

Oh, and make sure you catch the Threepenny Opera if you are in cambridge in october!

Thought of the day
"We must all learn to laugh at ourselves" Garfield

Saturday, August 20, 2005


Walking hurts!

Am presently in Macclesfield, 20 mins south of Manchester, visiting one of my best friends from uni. Its been awesome to get out of Newcastle and far far away from P&G - this is my first proper weekend away, and its about time! Just finished week 8 - only 10 working days till i give my final presentation! yikes - this summer has certainly sped by.

Last couple of weeks have certainly been busy - I have had quite a few deadlines to meet, each one seeming to present itself barely am moment after the last had expired. but they were all done (unlike Douglas Adams, the whoosh sound deadlines make as they pass by is definitely not a sound i like!) I also made a ton of washing powder the other day, and am making another ton on Monday - so if anyone wants loads of washing powder (that may or may not work - I am trying out this new formulation) - let me know! [if could let me know if the powder works, that would be great]

Been a long day today - went on a walking trip (we are quite near the peak district) - we walked thorugh maccesfield forest, near a wildlife sanctuary and around a resevoir. was a good solid 6 hour walk - am pretty tired at the end of it! :-) but was awesome weather, and if only i had remembered my camera, would have some fantastic snaps of the countryside. This is the first time I have seen the world through the eyes of the Famous Five - sprawling countryside, streams bubbling by, cows and sheep grazing, and no cars in sight. It was absolutely beautiful. (though i must admit books like the Famous Five never mentioned the smell!)

also planning to go on a bit of a holdiay after i finsih work around the UK, so should be good. not sure how much i will save at the end of this summer though :S not good.

as for the cricket - well that has just been phenomenal. to be within spitting distance of grabbing a 2:1 lead in the ashes is just brilliant. as i dont have a tv, i have been following it live using CricInfo's live ball-by-ball bulletin. especially, in the end of the second test, when it came down to the last two runs, i could be found mashing the reload key on IE repeatedly as i tried in vain to figure out what happened - it took an unbearable 5 minutes to reload! longest five minutes of my life.

actually second longest five minutes - the first place goes to the walk to get my exam results at the end of the academic year just gone by.

right, am off to enjoy a scrumptious dinner - after 6 h walking, and no lunch, i think i deserve it! :-) bon appetit!

and whilst we are in the language, au revoir!

Wednesday, August 10, 2005


and now, for the News.....

and in other news, Blockbusters reported a £3.2 million loss, blaming it on Hollywood!! Apparently, the latter have not released as many quality movies onto dvd, and it has affected the number of customers who would use Blockbusters.

Gosh. Does that mean that if i stop talking, ear plug companies will blame me for thier loss in revenue if people stop buying ear plugs?

and in other news, i won a prize! The Pilkington Prize for Chemical Engineering. so am happy :-) thanks Lord Pilkington!

Thought of the day
"Organized is my middle name.
Poorly is my first" Garfield

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


The Transformers!  Posted by Picasa

Sunday, August 07, 2005


Fireworks!!!!!!!  Posted by Picasa

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