Monday, October 02, 2006


Brussels in one photo....

pretty, picturesque, and sunny (except for the next day when at one point i felt like i was in a carwash without the car!!!)


The all-knowing Hand of Power

i like this photo. not sure why the belgians would want a giant hand in the middle of thier town, but there you go.


Like I said, the international-ism is fantastic!

clockwise, starting with me, indian/irish/omani ;), philippines, india, russia, netherlands, usa, russia, malaysia. how cool is that :)


Here, there and everywhere!

I have now entered week 3 of my training course in Shell, and I never realized time could move by so quickly.The first 2 weeks prior to the course were deadly dull, but now that everyone is here and things are in full swing its difficult to get any time to myself! Tonight is the first night I have had free since 14 Sept, and it looks like the only free one for the next 2 weeks. Life is hectic but exciting :)

SO what have i done lately? The course started with an outdoor course in Belgium, which was awesome! We went absailing, zip lining, diving in a freezing lake, my team even walked 15 km through rural Belgium when we got lost and couldn’t find any public transportation to take us where we had to be. But rural Belgium is fantastic - definitely recommend a holiday through those parts.

The best thing about the course is the diversity. There are 24 of us, and we have 12 different nationalities. English, Irish, Indian, Russian, Argentinian, Malaysian, Chinese, American, Dutch, German, French, and Togo-nese (dont know what the adj form of being from Togo is).

The weekends as such have been awesome. Trips to Paris and Berlin are on the cards. The trains run (usually) so well here, its so easy to move form one place to another. The other great thing is the ease of flying to London, 80 euro round trip :D Who needs to work in the city ;) Work for Shell I say.

Last weekend I went to Brusells, as well as visiting Antwerp and Bruge. Fantastic weekend, so pretty and great nights out. I could go on and on but will post some pictures on facebook, check them out! oh and Belgian chocolate and Belgian waffles RULE!!!!!!!!!

We also went to a THREE storey go karting track here. (Here is RIjswijk, outside the Hague. 40 min train to airport :) and will be moving to aberdeen in end of october). 3 storeys!!!! Its incredible! i was sliding across hairpin bends, coming oh so close to losing control but still managing to handle well. I was third out of 12 of us, and given the first 2 are dutch and have come here before, i think i did well. :)

right, i am now going to try and do some washing and laundry - its incredible how easy it is to ignore mundane tasks. darn.

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